Hi everyone! What a successful weekend!!!!!My boys had some fantastic runs at the canberra royal this weekend and I must say I am very very proud of them both! Especially because this was an all heights trial so pepe had to compete against dogs of all sizes including borders etc, I have videos and photos but will take a little while to process them so for now, here are the results....
- TOP DOG SHOOT OUT WINNER (trophy + $100, run off against all dogs that qualified on the day, he beat borders, kelpies etc.!!!)
- ADM title!!! finally!!!! Now we can really go for our championship!
- winner of masters gamblers
- 3rd open agility
- 4th masters pairs
Nossi -
- NOVICE JUMPING TITLE!!! after only 3 trials (the other 2 of which were fairly small night trials) with a 1st and a 3rd place!!!
- 2nd place in novice pairs, first run in this ever
- 3rd place non qualifying in novice gamblers
So proud of my boys, and for once I actually left a trial slightly richer rather than much poorer!!!!!